About C.A.C

Club Lake Stocking History:

Lake Bullen Merri first stocking thought to be some time in 1905. A water test taken proved salinity and Declared unsuitable for fish. Idea of further stocking abandoned for some years.

In 1914 a Mr. Arthur Hyde & Mr. Walter Henry, because of the presence of an abundance of minnow & bullhead in the lake set about securing some Rainbow Trout from Ballarat Hatcheries. Mr. Hyde notified a Colonel Simmons of the then Dept. of Games, who threatened to prosecute Mr. Hyde if more fish were released into the lake.

Some time later, approximately 1920/21 keen angler Snr. Constable Hunter promised Mr. Hyde he would share 50/50 the cost of 1000 English Perch & 1000 Rainbow Trout. At this time Colonel Simmons had left for the USA on Business.

Price of Fish at that time: Rainbow Trout Fry 10/6 per 1000, Rainbow Trout Yearling 15 Pound per 1000.
The fish were purchased & travelled to Camperdown by rail and from there to Lake Bullen Merri by Wagon. The First fish caught in 1923 weighed in at a healthy 2lb 6oz (Rainbow Trout). A meeting of interested fisherman was called, 16 attended and the Camperdown Angling Club was formed.

In 1924 the Dept. took over the stocking of Lake Bullen Merri, and the first Quinnet were stocked in the 1930’s

During 1964 the Members of the Camperdown Angling Club discussed having own clubrooms – the feeling of the meeting was that the club should have its own Clubrooms on land at the South Beach of the Lake. During April, 1964 the secretary inquired into the cost of Army Hut’s from Broadmeadows. On May 29th the club wrote to South Beach Committee Management requesting an area of land for the clubrooms, whilst quotes were sought for the erection of a building 40ft by 20ft.

Land was granted by the SBCM and a building purchased & erected by a band of volunteers from Camperdown Angling Club & Preston Angling Club. Building cost was 350 Pounds, with New Material costing 300 pounds
The First meeting was held in the new clubrooms on Wednesday Dec. 9th, 1964.